about 8 months ago
Leukos Arsenikon is another Crux thing, meaning "White Arsenic"; it is purely coincedence that it sounds similar to Rowedahelicon, another note in the "it all just fits together" list.
about 8 months ago
Having no gender is also a remnant of some versions of Crux lore (although not a strict rule), it was something that attracted me from the start. This was foreshadowing to being NB, and being "It" just sounds better to me.
about 8 months ago
Space faring + planet hopping is more of a personal thing to represent periods of my life before the internet where I was often quite lonely. Rowdy speaks openly of a finite existence, but in a way to appreciate each and every moment of life while we have it.
about 8 months ago
Much of this is based on Crux lore as well, which although is intentionally vague, details such as them being inter-dimensional beings and poison eating qualities have come up in a general frame of reference for Cruxes. As does the alchemy symbol.
Rowedahelicon portrait
The premise of being a reflection of the light from stars is based on the general idea of how randomness of the events in life and some things just being a matter of time and place. It's also based on my interest in stargazing and how a lot of what we see is unfathomably old.
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July 23rd, 2024 @ 8:02 PM EDT
about 8 months ago
This is the only time you'll see me talk about this out of character! I've always had space and the cosmos in mind as a central theme but never wanted to get too weird with it because I didn't want it to seem cringe, nowadays I don't give a single hoot about that.
about 8 months ago
After like, 15 years, I finally wrote out a decent summary of my internal "lore" that I've thought about off and on. I've written it out here, as well as some other details about me and my fursona (we're basically one and the same ΘΔ).