I love being an artist, but it's just not realistically profitable for me to be one and I feel like it won't ever be perhaps ;;

Invest more in things to sell at my table. I certainly don't want to knock other artists down or anything like that, and I definitely understand how hard it is on artists these days, but I can't help but feel a little inadequate comparatively to other tables I see.

I am starting to see little difference between some of the artist tables and that of dealer tables. Everyone has big displays and selling the usual items; stickers, prints, buttons, etc. I always feel so small by comparison, but I haven't yet reached a profit that allows me to

There's something I want to rant about though, if it's ok! Am I the only artist that gets sort of...intimidated...by the artist alley at these cons now? I feel like artist tables used to be a lot simpler and just art focused. The last few cons I've gone to however...
May 14th, 2024 @ 10:07 AM EDT