about 10 months ago
And yes, admins can be just as shitty, and communities can definitely be poorly run. Got a problem with management you can't solve? Start your own!
about 10 months ago
I believe that community moderation is a real skill, and one that is required today more than ever. Your forums, discords, twitch streams, etc; all are a few bad actors away from turning off people you would normally love to associate with.

Please be nice to your admins!
Rowedahelicon portrait
It's very important to keep your community safe, difficult too. You're allowed to make mistakes, and most of the time a simple understanding and apology helps clear the air.

But some people can and will join just to disrupt your vibe, it is OK to deal with these types swiftly.
May 17th, 2024 @ 3:23 PM EDT