about 9 months ago
Those messages being right in your face and difficult to disable is annoying at best, manipulative at worst. I won't even get started on the effort needed to actually obtain these items on servers full of bots and tryhards.
about 9 months ago
Community servers cannot give out free items, at least those you can take with you outside of said servers. All players, but especially new ones, are guided directly into Valve servers with an incentive that other servers cannot give out.
about 9 months ago
These reminders play *everywhere* including while on a community server, but contracts cannot be completed on a community server, only a Valve one. This not only creates an unfair level of competition, but literally annoys players into playing on Valve servers instead.
Rowedahelicon portrait
You're primarily told about these contracts through a set of voice lines that play very frequently from Ms. Pauling. Repeatedly throughout gameplay, you're given a verbal reminder that contracts are a thing. It's not clear how to shut it off, resulting in the following.
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June 6th, 2024 @ 2:18 PM EDT
about 9 months ago
An example of manipulative behavior from Valve, contacts. Contracts are missions the game gives you to complete and receive item rewards at the end. There are some base contracts, and then ones given out during events like Halloween. #savetf2